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Changing date format
19/03/14 14:44

Jannie Louw

Replies: 1

How do I change the date format from mm/dd/yy to dd/mm/yy, while keeping
date picker in English in Evolution2 u4, web version with c#. The only way
appears to be to change the kb language, but then I presume items such as
the date picker will be in a different language
I anyway only have one option anyway for the KB language namely English.

Jannie Louw

19/03/14 15:03
I eventually discovered that I can change the date format to Spanish under Customization, Localization, English properties How do I change the date format from mm/dd/yy to dd/mm/yy, while keeping date picker in English in Evolution2 u4, web version with c#. The only way appears to be to change the kb language, but then I presume items such as the date picker will be in a different language I anyway only have one option anyway for the KB language namely English.

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