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GAM problem: Identity provider and SSO
02/03/21 08:10


Replies: 0

Hello, I have a problem with GAM.
What I need to do is a scenario where there is a central site with link to several children sites (using SSO).
I want also that all these sites use only one GAM DB.
Creating a remote authentication impersonating as local it works for one site but if I create a second child site (with its own auth type), this second site doesn't work. If I disable the Remote authentication of the first child, the second child works
What I need is an identity provider working only with one gam db that is tied to several child projects protected by gam but without that each of them has a database.
My steps:
* Created a new connections for the child project
* Set to the child the same repository of the IP (not sure about this step)
* Did an application registration for it (it worked)
* Allowed the remote authentication on the child application
* Created a remote connection impersonating local tied to the child application
Is it a correct procedure? I can use authorizations in a similar scenario? Do you have a guide that cover my case or you can suggest me on how to operate?
We sent a similar questions time ago but never received an answer
The first project must act as an index. I used impersonation and remote gam. It works with one project, but if I create a second one, it doesn't open. I get a "too many redirects" error and am then redirected to the gam remote login page.
Nicola Pilli
Sviluppo Software
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