anonymous Log in
Environment .NetCore
27/11/20 12:09


Replies: 3

Hola a todos, desarrollo con Genexus 16 U9 .NET.
Estoy probando este nuevo Environment, y me encontré con algunos problemas que paso a describir,
En una aplicación existente (ya en Producción), agregué el Environment NetCore, cuando compilo, NO me reconoce la base de datos del GAM, (visualizo la parte del output) en este caso tengo seteado NO en Reorganizacion de Tablas
Creating connection.gam file...
warning: Trying to generate the connection file while Reorganize Server Tables property is set to NO. The process may fail if GAM database schema is not updated.
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (aGAM_GXDevEnvAPI.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents', version: '4.7.0'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll'
Success: Integrated Security Initialization
========== GAM Applications Registration started ==========
warning: Trying to register applications while Reorganize Server Tables property is set to NO. The process may fail if GAM database schema is not updated.
Registering 'RendicionGasto'...Error:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (aGAM_GXDevEnvAPI.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents', version: '4.7.0'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll'
Failed: GAM Applications Registration
========== Copying Module 'GeneXus' started ==========
Success: Copying Module 'GeneXus'
========== Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurityCommon' started ==========
Success: Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurityCommon'
========== Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurity' started ==========
Success: Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurity'
========== Target Environment update started ==========
Success: Target Environment update
Building changed objects list
========== Specification started ==========
Specifying GAMHome ...
Specifying GAMCheckUserActivationMethod ...
Specifying GAMConvertErrorsToMessages ...
Generating Resources... Specifying GAMExampleChangePassword ...
Specifying GAMExampleSSOLogin ...
Processing inferred calls...
Success: Specification
========== Default (.NET Core) Generation started ==========
Generating to .NetCore\web\gxcfg.js
Generating to .NetCore\web\GXCFG.WEB
Generating to .NetCore\web\Developermenu.bld
Generating to .NetCore\web\genexus.programs.common.bld
Generating to .NetCore\web\library.bld
Generating to .NetCore\web\
Generating to .NetCore\web\DeveloperMenu.xml
Success: Default (.NET Core) Generation
Compressing static files...Success
========== SDT Generation started ==========
Generating to .NetCore\web\type_SdtGAMExampleSDTApplicationData.cs
Success: SDT Generation
========== DeveloperMenu Compilation for Default (.NET Core) started ==========
dotnet build -nologo -c Release /v:q /m /p:GxExternalReference=GeneXus.Security.API.Common.dll "C:\DesarrolloGNX16\RendicionGasto\.NetCore\build\LastBuild.sln"
Compilaci¢n correcta.
0 Advertencia(s)
0 Errores
Tiempo transcurrido 00:03:59.36
Success: DeveloperMenu Compilation for Default (.NET Core)
========== Web config update started ==========
Gx config file: gxcfg.web
Web config file: appsettings.json
Updating web config ...
Success: Web config update
========== GAM Permissions Creation started ==========
warning: Trying to register permissions while Reorganize Server Tables property is set to NO. The process may fail if GAM database schema is not updated.
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (aGAM_GXDevEnvAPI.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents', version: '4.7.0'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll'
Success: GAM Permissions Creation
========== Execution started ==========
Success: Execution
Success: Run Developer Menu

obviamente ejecuto en el browser y en el login me da el error "La conexión al GAM no fue encontrada, por favor contacte al administrador del GAM."
Todas las propiedades en Integrated Security del compilador son las mismas que para .NET, o sea ID del Repositorio y usuarios/contraseñas correspondientes.
Cuando seteo SI en Reorganizacion de Tablas, me pregunta si quiero crear las tablas del GAM, le respondo que no y me dá los siguientes errores,
========== Retrieve GAM Version From Database started ==========
Current GAM version:
Success: Retrieve GAM Version From Database
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (agamgetversion.deps.json) was not found:
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll'
Failed: Integrated Security Initialization
========== Copying Module 'GeneXus' started ==========
Success: Copying Module 'GeneXus'
========== Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurityCommon' started ==========
Success: Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurityCommon'
========== Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurity' started ==========
Success: Copying Module 'GeneXusSecurity'
========== Target Environment update started ==========
Success: Target Environment update
Building changed objects list
========== Specification started ==========
Specifying GAMHome ...
Specifying GAMCheckUserActivationMethod ...
Specifying GAMConvertErrorsToMessages ...
Specifying GAMExampleChangePassword ...
Generating Resources...Success
Specifying GAMExampleSSOLogin ...
Processing inferred calls...
Success: Specification
========== Default (.NET Core) Generation started ==========
Generating to .NetCore\web\gxcfg.js
Generating to .NetCore\web\GXCFG.WEB
Generating to .NetCore\web\Developermenu.bld
Generating to .NetCore\web\genexus.programs.common.bld
Generating to .NetCore\web\library.bld
Generating to .NetCore\web\
Generating to .NetCore\web\DeveloperMenu.xml
Success: Default (.NET Core) Generation
Compressing static files...Success
========== SDT Generation started ==========
Generating to .NetCore\web\type_SdtGAMExampleSDTApplicationData.cs
Success: SDT Generation
========== DeveloperMenu Compilation for Default (.NET Core) started ==========
dotnet build -nologo -c Release /v:q /m /p:GxExternalReference=GeneXus.Security.API.Common.dll "C:\DesarrolloGNX16\RendicionGasto\.NetCore\build\LastBuild.sln"
Compilaci¢n correcta.
0 Advertencia(s)
0 Errores
Tiempo transcurrido 00:03:54.65
Success: DeveloperMenu Compilation for Default (.NET Core)
========== Web config update started ==========
Gx config file: gxcfg.web
Web config file: appsettings.json
Updating web config ...
Success: Web config update
========== GAM Permissions Creation started ==========
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (aGAM_GXDevEnvAPI.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents', version: '4.7.0'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll'
Success: GAM Permissions Creation
========== Execution started ==========
Success: Execution
Success: Run Developer Menu

Qué puede ser?, instalé algo mal, o me falta instalar alguna otra cosa?
Verifiqué bien los parámetros del Repositorio, y están igual que en .NET, o sea compilo y ejecuto en .NET y todo funciona bien.
verifiqué los requerimientos de la wiki, y está todo instalado (SDK y Runtime según se estipula).
Lo que descubrí es que en los errores:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (aGAM_GXDevEnvAPI.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents', version: '4.7.0'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll'
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (aGAM_GXDevEnvAPI.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents', version: '4.7.0'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll'
los archivos manifest hacen referencia a Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll​, pero el path runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp3.0/​ no existe, dicho path debería existir en la carpeta C:\DesarrolloGNX16\RendicionGasto\.NetCore\web\bin, y eso es lo raro, puesto que sí existen los paths
runtimes\win\lib\netcoreapp2.0, runtimes\win\lib\netcoreapp2.1 y runtimes\win\lib\netstandard2.0, es como que Genexus no lo creó y obviamente tampoco puso la DLL a que hace referencia en los manifest.
Precisamente la version 3.1 (SDK y Runtime) que requiere GNX para NetCore, es la que instalé.
Agradezco cualquier ayuda o sugerencia de su parte.
Ing. Daniel Leiva
Desarrollo de Sistemas
Obra Social Sgo. del Estero -Argentina
Para Suscribirse/Desuscribirse:,3,30,1
Por consultas

Esteban Carle

27/11/20 20:43
Pero algun dia debes dejar que el GAM cree las tablas. Sino tenes las tablas.. no hay GAM que valga ¡


28/11/20 12:47
Tal vez no quedo clara mi explicación, las tablas del GAM existen, es una KB (ya en Produccion) que fué creada y compilada en environment .NET. Está funcionando perfectamente en .NET y con GAM. Ahora quiero hacerlo con NetCore (en la misma KB) como otro Environment, y me generó los errores que describí. Tal vez funciona como dice ecarle2, por cada Environment hay que crear de nuevo las tablas del GAM (??). ________________________________

Esteban Carle

29/11/20 12:50
Ahí todos los mensajes.. son como que o NO se conecta a la BD de GAM o no esta creado. .NetCore no se que tan probado esta con GAM. Saludos

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